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Students receive a laptop computer and take core classes online. Students can work at their own pace and level. Promise Academy is accredited by the state of Iowa and uses accredited curriculum.  


Life Skills

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Physical Education

& Extracurriculars

PE is held three times a week. Students are also able to participate in extra-curricular activities. Elementary students can participate in sports through Eldora youth program. Jr. High and High School students can participate through sharing agreements with South Hardin. 


Foreign Language & More

All students take Spanish each year of enrollment. As our program grows and students begin to be proficient in the language, we will expand opportunities for students to utilize what they are learning. Students can also participate in drama through the summer creamery production. HS students can participate in speech contests.

Education: Service

Each student receives a laptop computer and takes core classes through an online academy. Students are able to work at their own pace and level. We also teach PE, Chorus, Speech, Communications and Current Affairs to give our students a well-rounded curriculum.

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Core Curriculum

Students receive a laptop computer and take core classes online. Students can work at their own pace and level. We also teach PE, Choir, Current Affairs, Speech and Communications to supplement the online curriculum. Promise Academy is accredited by the Iowa Department of Education.


Students select one or two electives in areas of interest. Students also take a reading class to help increase their comprehension and vocabulary. We also attend educational plays and STEMfests, visit science centers, and participate in a variety of other educational activities.

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Agricultural Education

Students have opportunities for hands-on learning with our large garden, greenhouse, and farm animals. Students have the opportunity to enroll in 4-H and as this program grows, be able to show small animals at the fair.

Promise Academy offers a variety of life skills to our students. The student-ran Promise Cafe as well as summer grill-outs provides skills in cooking, baking, marketing, waiting tables, social skills and much more. Students learn to garden as well as can the produce grown. Students have assigned chores at Broer and in the cottage.

‪(515) 216-4387


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